Your December 2019 wellness horoscopes are ready, and they’re in it to win it.
With Mercury direct, lucky Jupiter kicking off a new yearlong stint, a solar eclipse new moon, AND the best day of the year for most signs, December will be a beautifully benevolent month. All during holiday season, no less! So stir up some mulled wine, cozy up by the fire, and get to astrohacking with your December 2019 wellness horoscopes—the last of the year and decade. As always, check out both your sun and rising ‘scopes. I hope you enjoy reading as much I love writing. Happy holidays, and I’ll see you on the other side!
December 2019 Wellness Horoscopes
Happy Sag season! Luckily for you, your birthday gift this year forward likely comes as a well-earned financial windfall. Jupiter, your ruling planet, enters money-minded Capricorn on December 2, where it’ll stay through mid-December 2020. Perhaps you’ve been putting in long hours at the office only to learn how to get by with less. But this frugality finally sees signs of an end. (Until then, take food-budgeting tips from a HUM RD’s $50 weekly grocery haul.) Keep tabs on the days surrounding December 15, when Jupiter aligns with Uranus, another terrific aspect concerning your hard-earned dollars. But wait—there’s yet another date to star! Following the solar eclipse new moon on Christmas, Jupiter’s alignment with the sun on December 27 indicates a stellar new opportunity to brilliantly transform your work/money sitch. Chandler voice: Could there *be* a better time this year for you Archers? I think not.CAPRICORN (DECEMBER 22-JANUARY 19)
Sagittarians might have it good this month, but Caps are about to kick off their greatest year in over a decade. (I told you last month you’re in for something special!) You’ll feel an initial uptick when Jupiter (luck, adventure) enters your sign on December 2. At first, things might move too slowly for your liking. However, shake up your routine and mindset to get in sync with Jupiter’s feel-good groove. Want to be proactive? Swap any lingering resentments for gratitude instead. The latter can augment your emotional capacity while giving your hardworking brain some necessary rest. Then circle December 14-15 as a good time to socialize. You may even meet a potential suitor this weekend, or perhaps over holiday break. Alternatively, your existing relationship could flourish. Or, you’ll get a burst of creativity to channel into a new initiative of your choice. Finally, the sun and Jupiter align in your sign on December 27. Use this rare, benefic aspect to conquer your greatest goals with hardy Cap tenacity.AQUARIUS (JANUARY 20-FEBRUARY 18)
This month, nearly half the planets will lay low in your 12th house of privacy and intuition. Translation: Go incognito and carve out some extra me time. Most people prep for and enact 2020 resolutions only come January 1. But Aquarians will benefit from using all of December to evaluate what works and what doesn’t. Feel tension brewing? Work out any lingering ickiness with at-home self-massage tools. You can also soothe your senses in a warm soak with a DIY bath bomb. Your reflections may shift gears, however, as you’re smack dab in the middle of Mars in your 10th house of achievements. Long-awaited career news is likely to come around the last third of the month, so get your party hat primed and ready. Come the intermediate holiday week, you should be ready to spill the beans on a big secret or partner up for an exciting new project.PISCES (FEBRUARY 19-MARCH 20)
Feeling like you’ve been fighting against the tide since early summer? Rejoice, sweet Fishes, as your ruling planet of Neptune is finally direct. Trust that your relationships and projects will go more *swimmingly* from December forward. From the get-go, your 11th house of sociability is lit up like the brightest Christmas tree on the block. Jupiter will stay here through 2020; you’re likely to make new, lasting friendships that will expand your visions and support your dreams. Next, family and home reign supreme around December 11’s full moon. Follow therapist-approved tips to avoid potential conflict, perfect for the holiday season and all year round. Stay out and about for the week/end that follows, when Uranus in Taurus mingles with Jupiter in Capricorn. The theme: joyous news and/or fresh starts with siblings, travel, or lucrative projects.ARIES (MARCH 21-APRIL 19)
Last month, you yearned for a raise. This month, you’re set to nab it when Uranus syncs with Jupiter in your 10th house of achievements. Jupiter in Capricorn on December 2 (for the next year onwards) will warm career and money matters up. Also circle December 13, 19, and 22 for work wins. However, December 25’s solar eclipse new moon will really set things ablaze. The planets will work most potently from Xmas through New Year’s. Not on vacay that week? Then Ram-p up your professional prowess. On another note, Jupiter in your ninth house of travel gives a happy go-ahead for journeys from December 11 through 18. Protect against dropping temps with supplements for winter, and beat dehydrating airplane conditions by drinking water and moisturizing like it’s your J-O-B. Finally, by December 27—the luckiest day of the year for most signs—focus on your partner if you’re coupled up. As for my fellow singletons? Venture out to a gathering or on another getaway; you might just meet your next S/O.TAURUS (APRIL 20-MAY 20)
Feel like you’ve been trudging through muck and mire for the past two months? In spite of any pitfalls or pain points, you’ve likely built up stealthy psychological armor and established insight. Alas, things should loosen up by December 8, when Mercury retroshade in your opposite sign of Scorpio says TTFN. Jupiter in Capricorn commingles with Uranus in your sign on December 15, a rare meeting of these two planets. From December 12 through 20, you’ll be able to sufficiently shake off any guilt trips and wonky dynamics that have been cramping your style. Cue: “Bulls on Parade” à la Rage Against the (Qi-Draining) Machine. Furthermore, keep an eye on positive developments related to international matters, higher education, and media. Next, December 25’s solar eclipse new moon will really get the ball rolling in previously stifling situations. Last but not least, Venus (your ruler) in Capricorn suggests flirty fun for single Taureans through December 19, particularly over the first weekend of the month. (P.S. Have you read up on the legit health benefits of being single?) Boo’ed up Bulls can also expect a leg up in love.GEMINI (MAY 21-JUNE 20)
Twinnies, get ready to hit the jackpot. Jupiter in Capricorn in your eighth house of other people’s money—is it just me or do you also love how that sounds?—indicates an impending windfall from non-salary sources through 2020. Whether the origin’s a side hustle, inheritance, or plain dumb luck, make like (pre-breakdown, pre-“awakened”) fellow Gemini Kanye West and say welcome to the good life. Additionally, Uranus and Jupiter collab in your professional favor around December 15, ensuring you’ll earn what you’re worth. December 25 and 27 are other bankroll-beneficial dates. Money aside, December 11’s full moon will tug at your heartstrings. And Uranus (surprises) nudges Mercury (your ruler + communication) on December 30, indicating you’ll discover or receive something pleasantly unexpected. Gems, it’ll be a heavenly month, so long as you don’t succumb to self-sabotage via negativity and poor wellness habits. Since Twins rule the nervous system, get your mind right by meditating, journaling, or through calming breathing exercises.CANCER (JUNE 21-JULY 22)
Relationships (love, business) haven’t been solid for many Cancerians this year. However, you’ll finally catch a break around December 15. A handful of planets will gather in your seventh house of partnerships, which the solar eclipse new moon will fully catalyze at Christmas. While the solar eclipse in Cancer on July 16 was likely bitter, this one should be sweet as pie. Coupled-up Crabs could see marriage on the horizon, while singles benefit from Mars in Scorpio in your fifth house of fun and romance. Cancers are natural homebodies, but the planets suggest running the holiday party circuit. Pre-party, boost your self-esteem à la the Queen of Confidence. After, follow these starlet-approved holiday wellness tips to stay healthy. Final notes: Watch out for unearthed secrets (perhaps even your own) around the December 11 full moon. Also, consider putting your pinchers away if an occasion doesn’t truly warrant retaliation.LEO (JULY 23-AUGUST 22)
Leos start the month happy as a clam following November’s new moon in our fifth house of fun and love. Harness the light of the Sun (our ruler), especially over December 7-8. The alignment between Neptune and Venus suggests you attend or host a glittering event for the ages. However, by December 11, Neptune’s angle with the full moon may trigger alerts on your credit card statement. Beware of faulty or—likely for luxury-loving Lions—jaw-dropping charges. Next, Mars in Scorpio in your fourth house of home/family all month suggests spatial revamps or hosting your kin. December 13, 19, and 22 are all cosmically approved dates for such. On another note, by mid-month, restructure your approach to work to make it both satisfying and sustainable. Finally, with Jupiter settling into your sixth house of workouts and wellness, it’s prime time to jumpstart a new-you routine. December 25’s solar eclipse new moon energizes you into action. Given the month’s potential financial hiccups, you may want to save some money by working out at home. Otherwise, if you’re a (budget-averse) studio hopper like yours truly, take inspo from HUM’s Lagree Megaformer challenge. Additionally, book any MD appointments you’ve put by the wayside.VIRGO (AUGUST 23-SEPTEMBER 22)
TBH, I’m still apologetic for delivering your Wonder Bread version of a wellness horoscope last month. (Though in standard Virgo fashion, a co-worker did enjoy hers from a practicality standpoint…) Anyway, I hope I’ll redeem myself by letting you know that December will bring you near planetary perfection! Six heavenly bodies will congregate in fellow earth sign Capricorn, notably in your fifth house of true love. (Spoiler alert: The new year brings the zodiac’s best amorous aspects to your sign.) While you’re often in your head, your perspective will shift more to your heart. You can start to make deliberate energetic shifts by practicing yogic heart openers. My suggestions include backbends such as bridge pose, bow pose, and upward-facing dog via chaturanga—all of which still provide the grounding you need and crave. Additionally, you’re likely to experience career gains on the days leading up to and following the December 11 full moon. Virgos, forget business as usual. Ride this cosmic goodness to shake things up and let others recognize and admire you at your fullest potential.LIBRA (SEPTEMBER 23-OCTOBER 22)
Jupiter in Capricorn nestles into your fourth house of home and family from December 2 onwards. Read: Take care to spruce up your space. First, you can achieve Libran spatial harmony via feng shui. Additionally, Venus (your ruler + beauty) remains in the fourth house through December 19, so upgrade or refine your decor by then. Otherwise, keep an eye out for too-good-to-be-true real estate deals. Your dream dwelling could await, especially come the December 27 solar eclipse new moon. Yes, your wallet may take a hit, as it probably did last month as well. Instead of wallowing in buyer’s remorse, reframe these expenses as worthy investments. In fact, long-term strategy and quick decision-making are the themes for this month. You might be riding a financial rollercoaster, but by the new year, you’ll be better situated to kick back and relax in better, brighter surroundings.SCORPIO (OCTOBER 23-NOVEMBER 21)
Open, active communication will be the name of the game starting December 2. You’ll be at your best if you harness the gift of gab. Once you start to speak up more, you’ll notice that situations and relationships will work in your favor. Be direct and exact like I know you Scorpions can. However, in the words of RHONY’s Dorinda Medley, make it nice. Willful Mars in your sign can be a catalyst for aggression, but instead, try transferring that energy into more tender passion. (In fact, studies suggest that kindness, among other things, can induce pleasure by producing oxytocin and activating your brain’s reward centers.) In terms of love, whisper sweet nothings in your S/O’s ear on December 3 when macho Mars warms up to coy Venus. You can also plan for a fun outing or romantic getaway on December 13. Finally, watch out for the gold-star day of December 27. The Sun, by nature ruling your 10th house of honors, happens to align brilliantly with Jupiter, by nature ruling your second house of earnings. Read: A work/money win could be imminent. Looking to learn about the year ahead? Of course you are! Check out your 2020 wellness horoscopes right this way.More like this