Oh hey, 2020! To kick off the new year, we decided to do something different this time around with your wellness horoscopes. Instead of a monthly forecast, we’re looking at the overarching themes for your year ahead (with new dreamy zodiac graphics to boot).
Friendly reminder: I’m no clairvoyant, and ‘scopes are meant to be more handy guide than set-in-stone prediction. So, for instance, if your forecast anticipates a promotion at work, you still have to give it your all on the daily to have the best chances of riding that wave to victory. Also, if your sun sign ‘scope seems less relevant, always check your rising to see if that one’s more in tune with your vibes at present.
Without further ado, here’s your 2020 wellness horoscopes. Happy New Year and astrohacking to all!
2020 Wellness Horoscopes
First things first: Happy Cap season! Now I’ll be honest; I’m a bit jealous of you ATM. As if it weren’t enough that you’re the natural boss babes and boys of the zodiac, as I mentioned in December’s wellness horoscopes, you’re the cosmic favorite for 2020. This year, you’ll build the foundation for a profound new era of your life that can’t be undone. If you feel the need to reinvent yourself, make bold new moves, or anything of that ilk, now’s the time to do so. You’ll be in a perfect position to grow and flourish at warp speed. You can smart small by learning how to break a bad habit, or by going on a social media detox to hack your way to greater productivity and a better mood. Even further, you can shoot for the stars by actualizing longed-for dreams. In short: Whatever you do, don’t hold back. 2020 is yours for the taking!AQUARIUS (JANUARY 20-FEBRUARY 18)
You might have been experiencing some growing pains over the past few months, particularly regarding your career and home. Come the first week of January, however, things are finally looking as though they’re falling into place. (If you’re still in flux, consider strategizing with an action plan by a life coach.) With that said, it’s time to show your worth and prove what you can bring to the table. In 2020, you’re likely to receive due praise, though it’ll likely be via chatter behind the scenes than to your face. Not all gossip is bad, after all, and they say word of mouth is the best kind of PR you can get. Additionally, you’ll start to invoke responsibility in a more typically Capricornian fashion, which will only augment your acclaim. In sum, 2020 will be a pregame of sorts for the party to come in your emerald year of 2021. Things are only looking up from here!PISCES (FEBRUARY 19-MARCH 20)
All work and no play makes you a Fish swimming upstream. If you’ve been grappling with low-vibing feelings of inadequacy, know that 2020 will bring you the praise and good cheer you deserve. You’ll finally reap the fruits of 2019’s labor, whether in the form of a completed passion project, recognition, or advancement. Regardless, Pisces must remember that they don’t need external validation (though a boost from others won’t hurt). Instead, try to keep in mind that you’re enough in and of yourself. Self-criticism begets nothing but defeat, while self-compassion leads to resilience, less stress, and even greater productivity. Another trend to watch for this year? A supercharged social life. You’re set to make friends and valuable connections in new places. Spread your social butterfly wings more than you’re used to—at niche meetups, networking events, and other settings in which you’ll find new crowds. Doing so will help you foster lasting, favorable, and otherwise unexpected relationships.ARIES (MARCH 21-APRIL 19)
Aries know what they want—and they go after it full speed ahead. I know that you’ve been jonesing for all-around work wins for at least the past few months. And while you might not have hit the professional Powerball just yet, so to speak, expect to see the career success you’ve longed for come 2020. All of these astro themes will last through December, so don’t fizzle out or get discouraged early on. Sure—calm, cool, and collected isn’t exactly your vibe, especially for the archetypal headstrong, my-way-or-the-highway Ram. But by avoiding baser instincts and fiery tendencies, you’ll be in a better place for that long-awaited payoff. Since Aries governs the head, soothe yours with a third-eye or temple massage with essential oils to stabilize your wits and senses. You can also pick up a garnet gemstone, a Ram-specific talisman, to promote balance, centeredness, and wisdom.TAURUS (APRIL 20-MAY 20)
Christmas 2019’s solar eclipse new moon will kickstart what’s sure to be a radical new year charged with lots of movement and newness. Bulls are expected to travel far and wide early on, especially to foreign lands. Don’t expect to collect passport stamps anytime soon? Then perhaps you’ll finally act on any intense impulses that have been marinating over the past year. The planets say that Taureans are likely to impart shocking news or undergo major life changes. Maybe you’ll quit your job, move abroad, or take another risk that, on paper, is typically un-Taurean in terms of your unshakeable standards for stability and security. But to quote a certain pop diva, you’ll feel empowered to take a risk, take a chance, make a change, and break away. Since slow and steady is more your style, you can still take your time to mull things over strategically. Bulls typically enjoy the outdoors, so take a hike (physically) before doing so proverbially.GEMINI (MAY 21-JUNE 20)
I gave you the tipoff in December, but it warrants a second shoutout: 2020 is the year for your money to multiply. Again, don’t it expect a windfall from a normal source (i.e., your salary), but instead several payouts from secondary or tertiary sources. Think: freelance gigs, bonuses, an insurance payout… even winnings from a contest or sweepstakes. Geminis always have a pulse on new trends and opportunities, so tap into your know-it-all-ness to make those dollars stretch. However, it’s essential to keep your wits about you the deeper your pockets get. Channel fellow Gem Kendrick Lamar (humble, conscious) versus Kanye West (debt-fighting, ego-driven) for inspo. There are also plenty of opportunities to preemptively get the ball rolling for financial wellness, whether that’s simple research through reading and YouTube videos or more active steps like opening a savings account or contributing more to your 401K.CANCER (JUNE 21-JULY 22)
Cancers have a natural inclination to hunker down within their inner circle, and 2020 holds positive gains for exactly that. The planets suggest that paired-up Crabs are likely to marry, while those already with a ring on it can expect their partners to excel at work. These signs all point to a happy, healthy, abundant home, which comes as music to Cancerian ears. In matters aside from love, you can anticipate that other partnerships will function exceedingly well. Whether it’s with your business collaborator, publisher, etc., your righthand (wo)man will be there to take a load off your back and let you rest easy. It’s high time that you get this benefic news; I know that 2019 wasn’t your greatest year on record, but rejoice that things are starting to look up. Both until then and afterward, tap into positive psychology via conscious gratitude to amplify your well-being and see the light in what you already have.LEO (JULY 23-AUGUST 22)
Leos are privy to feeling a natural sense of entitlement. After all, we’re ruled by the Sun, aka the center of the universe. But in 2020, the rest of the planets will ensure that you’re earning your keep through hard work and dedication around the clock. The good news given all these extra hours? You’ll love the assignments you receive, and if you’re self-employed, you’ll get many of them. Even better, you’re well on your way to gaining elevated, long-term VIP status. Now that sounds more up your alley, right fellow Lions? Just be sure to avoid burnout via boundary setting and strategic self-care. With the few off hours you do have, dedicate them to Lion-approved pursuits related to the arts, luxurious beauty treatments, and anything else to delight and indulge your playful nature.VIRGO (AUGUST 23-SEPTEMBER 22)
This year, Virgos have the best aspects to fall in love. However, you’ll have to leave the house and your desk to ensure Cupid has ample opportunity to strike his arrow. Even still, it’ll behoove you to refocus your attention from your analytical mind to the external world. (Rihanna may sing about love on the brain, but allow yourself to truly feel instead of think.) In this same vein, try to make room for more joy and spontaneity in other areas of your life. It can be as simple as trying out a niche wellness trend like laughter yoga, releasing stale energy by screaming it out at a breathwork class, or invoking a more childlike nature from time to time. In essence, experiment more than you’re used to and get out of your comfort zone. By doing so, you’ll be pleasantly surprised by what awaits you on the other side.LIBRA (SEPTEMBER 23-OCTOBER 22)
The year 2020 will be all about your home. Whether you’re buying, renting, selling, moving, or fixing, your dwelling will be at the forefront through December. Need to clear things out? Take a KonMari approach to ridding your space of stale excess. Rearranging your furniture? Start with your bedroom, guided by the principles of feng shui to create a lair you truly love. To further maximize good vibes at home (or even on your person), consider decorating with turquoise or blue topaz, special Libran stones that invoke harmony and healing. All of these upgrades will do you well, as you’ll find that you’re more likely to want to camp out than hit the town as the year begins. With ample opportunities to work out and practice luxurious self-care at home, you’ll be in great shape to get back on the social scene when the time comes.SCORPIO (OCTOBER 23-NOVEMBER 21)
All things related to communication will guide 2020 for Scorpios. Be sure to sharpen your interpersonal skills, as your words can make or break your path to success. However, it’s not just one-on-one speech we’re talking about. Publishing, broadcasting, and the like are all game this year. If you’ve been sitting on a creative written project for some time, you’ll be smart to send it out to a wider audience. Similarly, if you’re presented with the opportunity to give more presentations at work or represent your company at offsite events, now will be your time to shine. Since you’ll be quite forward-facing in 2020, learn how to boost your confidence for maximum impact. Then ensure your complexion radiates as much as your words do by taking nutrients for glowing skin.SAGITTARIUS (NOVEMBER 22-DECEMBER 21)
Sorry, Archers: It’s time to bid adieu to 2019, during which you were the prized sign of the planets. But it doesn’t mean that your handing off of the baton to Caps will bring misfortune. Instead, you’ll be pleased to know that 2020 carries positive aspects for the purse. You have lucky Jupiter, your ruling planet, to thank for this welcome news. Expect your money to grow by either a long-awaited check, or perhaps a promotion or raise at work sometime this calendar year. My advice to celebrate? Tap into specifically Sagittarian interests such as foreign travel, further education, and cultural/spiritual pursuits to get the most bang (and benefit) for your buck. You can also take a wellness angle by learning about Ayurveda, Chinese Medicine, and other ancient modalities from around the world.More like this