The HUM Team Shares Our 2020 Resolutions

2020 REsolutions at HUM Nutrition
Zena Wozniak, Editorial Director “Save an emergency fund”
New Year’s resolutions can get a really bad rap, but personally, I really love them. It’s so nice to get a clean slate and to create intentions and think about what you want in the year ahead. Then, to really give yourself some goals to stick to. So, I’m fully into New Year’s resolutions. Last year, I worked on paying off a bunch of credit card debt as one of my resolutions. That was successful! Way to go, 2019. In 2020, I want to continue working on my financial wellness by saving money for an emergency fund and retirement to better set myself up for the future.
Walter Faulstroh, Co-founder & CEO “Live In The Present”
I am a strong believer in small changes that you do throughout the year, as opposed to one big change that’s really hard to stick to. That said, I don’t know about you guys, but to me, 2019 just flew by. This year, I want to be more in the moment. Rather than being in next, next, next mode in 2020, I want to enjoy the moment and be present.
Erica Tam, Brand Director “Volunteer more often”
I make resolutions every year. I think it’s a good way to re-evaluate what’s working for you and what you can improve upon. My 2020 resolution is to commit to four hours of service every month. I used to dedicate a lot of time to that. Recently, I’ve fallen off a little bit, but it really fulfills me. I enjoy doing little things like helping the homeless or picking up on the beach or just doing something nice for a stranger. Four hours a month, though, I think it’s totally doable.
Joann Row, Copywriter “Wedding PRep”
I like New Year’s resolutions in theory. I think that sticking to them is incredibly difficult. You always tell yourself you’re gonna start tomorrow, or there’s another day. So I don’t stick with mine. But, my 2020 resolution is to start exercising. I think that I worked out maybe three times in 2019? I have to prepare for my wedding in September so I need to get on track with fitness starting in January.
Kim Pettiford, Head Accountant “practice more Self-Care”
I like New Year’s resolutions. I think it’s a good way to restart for the new year, think about what happened in the current year, and if there’s anything you want to improve upon. My 2020 resolution is to do more self-care. That includes meditating, more workouts, and taking more vitamins.
Mark Pinero, Web Developer “Start cooking”
In general, I think New Year’s resolutions are a little difficult because people tend to make lofty goals instead of making incremental changes throughout the year. But, my 2020 New Year’s resolution is to start cooking more. I just moved into a new apartment and I would like to not eat Trader Joe’s every single day.
Christa Pok, Social Media Strategist “Stop ordering delivery”
I like New Year’s resolutions. I think they encourage me to think about my goals. My New Year’s resolution for 2020 is to stop ordering Postmates. Dude, I spend so much money on Postmates!
Brandon Moore, Member Services “Be more Independent”
I feel like it’s a scam, I don’t know… I think if you’re going do something to change for the better, you should just start at any time of the year and not just in the new year. That said, if I have to pick, my 2020 resolution is to be more independent. I’ve been in a relationship for two and a half years and you almost get a little codependent, being with each other all the time. So I just want to do more things on my own.
Aekta Das, Product Manager “Drink More WateR”
I’ve had a pretty low success rate with New Year’s resolutions in the past, but I do believe in resolutions in general. I just usually prefer to do them on my birthday. My 2020 resolution would probably be to drink more water. I literally do not drink water. I drink a lot of La Croix and a lot of Diet Pepsi and I think my skin and body are suffering for it.
Toni Pearson, Fraud Prevention “Time management”
I feel okay about New Year’s resolutions. At first, I thought they were a little cheesy, but it’s all about perspective. I like it because you’re able to reflect on the past and figure out what things you want to do to change them. My 2020 resolution is to get more fit and to figure out how to manage my time a little bit better so I can accomplish more things.
Mandy ArMesto, Field Sales & Education Manager “Be More Present”
My 2020 New Year’s resolution is to be more mentally present in the moment and not to blame my bad behavior on Mercury retrograde. Actually, that’s a lie. I’m still going to blame my Mercury retrograde behavior on Mercury retrograde.
Maribel Moses, Member services “Improve Follow Through”
My 2020 New Year’s resolution is to work on follow through. I set a lot of intentions for last New Year and had them in my mind all year—but I didn’t necessarily execute in the way that I wanted. This year, I want to focus on follow through.
Brit Hallin, Graphic Designer “Stop saying sorry”
My New Year’s resolution is to be more intentional with apologies. For instance, not saying sorry where it’s not really warranted, and to allow myself to take up more space.
Brianna Cendejas, Brand Manager “Be Mindful With My Money”
My New Year’s resolution is to be more mindful with my money–everything from credit card usage to food orders.
Bobby Breitenbach, Video Production “Create an exercise Routine”
My New Year’s resolution is to exercise more regularly. I exercise now, but it’s kind of random and sporadic, so I’d like to kind of get into a good workout routine.
Implementing a few resolutions of your own? Check out a therapist’s tips on how to break bad habits and everything we learned from Dry January for more tips and inspiration.