June 2020 Wellness Horoscopes for Feel-Good Vibes

Greetings, astrohackers! Many of us are kicking off yet another socially distant month in quarantine. Add to that national unrest and impassioned calls to radically change the status quo, and it’s clear that we’re living in incredibly tense times. If anything, I hope your June 2020 wellness horoscopes will provide momentary respite from stress, negativity, and woe. Astrologically speaking, there’s also a lot going on this month. First, June 2020 kicks off eclipse season. Lunar eclipses (June 5) bring clarity, wisdom, and change to the fore. They’re often charged with emotion and bring about a necessary ending. Solar eclipses (June 21), on the other hand, signify empowering fresh starts. Next, Mercury retrograde starts June 18; tie up any loose matters and finalize deals (purchases, contracts, etc.) before then. Venus retrograde ends shortly after on June 24, so it’ll be business as usual for all things romance and beauty. Lastly, Mars (action) transitions to Aries on June 28 where it’ll stay through all of 2020. Each of these phenomena will impact you differently, so check out ‘scopes for your sun and rising signs for more specific intel. I wish you all a safe and positive month ahead.

June 2020 Wellness Horoscopes

Gemini twins symbol on purple and blue starry background


Happy birthday season! First and foremost, the theme for June 2020 is self-love and nurturing. Stop any negative self-talk and recognize all your strengths. That said, it’s also prime time to clean up shop in terms of your social life, particularly from June 3 through 10. Say farewell to any toxic relationships or habits that won’t serve you in the year ahead and beyond. Of course, this isn’t to say you should cut ties without empathy—be sure put your innate communication skills to use (thanks, natal Mercury!). On June 28, Mars (action) enters your social sector for six months; expect new/closer ties with kind, kindred spirits and potential romantic sparks. Mid-month, on June 18, Mercury goes retrograde in your money sector. While it’s potentially ominous at first glance, Jupiter + Pluto should come to your aid to continue your 2020 trend of payouts from secondary sources. Cancer crab symbol on purple and blue starry background


They say that Crabs are the most intuitive of all signs. This month, you’re strongly encouraged to tap into that. June 2020 is a good time to find inspiration for growth in alternative modalities. Perhaps you’ll be interested in entertaining the likes of tarot or looking deeper into astrology. Or maybe you’ll wake up by doing mirror mantras to kick off the day on an ultra-positive note. If you prefer feel-good practices backed by science—think exercise (endorphins), yoga, leisurely walks, etc.—go for it! By the solar eclipse in Cancer on June 21, think back to July 2018 and any pain points you’ve addressed from that time. It’s likely you’ve been slowly but surely on the upswing ever since. Ride the momentum of the solar eclipse to continue growth and savvy through your upcoming birthday season and beyond. Leo lion symbol on purple and blue starry background


Lions will be wise to investigate from where recurring issues arise. Through June 15, you’ll be more sensitive to wonky dynamics and acutely aware of anyone raining on your parade. Tame your fire (and any knee-jerk roars) in favor of retreating. Alone time will help regulate your arousal levels, permit space to restrategize, and prevent further bad blood. At the same time, reflect on your own behavior and how it sometimes may not serve you and your goals. What can you adjust to make your life easier? Leo is a fixed sign; changes will be difficult but worth your while. To lift your mood and help feel whole, find a creative outlet to feed your soul. (Tip: Keep this sing-songy Leo mantra in your back pocket.) Without one, Leos often lose their mojo. This Lioness loves making special playlists, but anything creative and/or artsy should do the trick. Virgo virgin woman symbol on purple and blue starry background


Have you been mulling over your professional priorities? If so, you may be inching towards revamping your work life while others encourage pursuits that no longer appeal to you. Check these signs if you feel that your work no longer serves you; it could be time to speak up or move on. Ever the analyst, you should continue asking yourself targeted questions before jumping ship. Additionally, notice around the June 5 lunar eclipse what allies you have on your side to consult. Stay tight-lipped otherwise, especially once Mercury retrogrades on June 18, as rumors can muddy your waters. Otherwise, you’ll thrive from June 12 through 15, especially in terms of romance and/or creating any kind of new game plan. As long as you feel true to yourself, any imminent changes will be worth the growing pains. Libra scales symbol on purple and blue starry background


This month, you may be more thoughtful about the current status of your work. Do you feel comfortable with your daily doings, company, etc.? Further, would a younger you be satisfied with where you are now? The eclipse season of June 2020 is the time to reflect. Plant seeds for whatever needs to be done to get you to your professional happy place, as guided by your personal idealism. Note: The vibe is mellow, rather than quick to iterate. The slow burn of Mercury retrograde come June 18 will also help a strategic “slow and steady wins the race” approach you’ll be wise to carry through year’s end. For a wellness add-on to accompany this strategy, try out box breathing. Lastly, Mars (action) enters your opposite sign of Aries on June 28, staying through January 2021. It’ll enliven existing relationships and business collabs. Scorpio scorpion symbol on purple and blue starry background


Mars (action) is still in your fellow water sign of Pisces. Use this aspect to your advantage, especially when it nears Neptune from June 12 to 15. It’s time to think outside of the box and explore the unknown. Some ideas: get creative with your S/O (in the sheets or otherwise), find a new artistic outlet, or find new ways to conduct your daily routines. Once Mars enters native Aries on June 28 (to remain for six-plus months), actions you take toward your goals will be supercharged yet likely frenetic. Stay placid but with your eyes on the prize. Simply put, your guiding mantra should be “patient productivity.” The future can work in your favor, as long as you inch toward it methodically. Sagittarius archer symbol on purple and blue starry background


During the first week of June, you may vacillate between a bevy of conflicting feelings. One minute, you’re down in the dumps about the state of the world. The next, you’re riding high on hope and magical thinking. In the end, make sure that you use your energy wisely. Empower yourself to communicate if something feels wrong or if someone isn’t treating you right. In sum, speak up and move on. Meanwhile, find healthy ways to release stale or negative energy. Some ideas: breathwork, foam rolling, and writing down fears/grievances and throwing the slip into a roaring hearth. Come June 18, Mercury retrogrades in your eighth house of sex and mystery. As far as intimacy goes, Merc retro can thankfully work to your advantage. It’ll also be a good time to fall down a rabbit hole of research on intellectual curiosities. Capricorn goat symbol on purple and blue starry background


June 2020 invites Caps to swap their trademark groundedness for a more fluid state of mind. Pay attention to your gut feelings and follow hunches that you can’t shake off. Think big and get to manifesting, as this month is brilliant to gather all the good energy to propel your next wave of success. (Remember, 2020 is still your star year!) Further, you may start to focus on a partner and/or your relationship style. If you put in the work, you’ll get a greater understanding of that person and your contribution to/responsibility in that union. Finally, you may come across issues with your home this month. Fix what needs fixing, then spruce up your space to help get your mind and mood right. Late to spring cleaning? Hop to it. Have trouble sleeping? Declutter your bedroom, turn off your screens, and upgrade your bedtime routine.

Aquarius water bearer symbol on purple and blue starry background


Revisions and newness are the name of the game this month. Shake off bad habits and old patterns, then revise to truly seize each day. For the record, this advice goes for both your personal and professional selves. It’ll be especially helpful once Mercury retrogrades on June 18. Dedicate extra time to your work projects and thoroughly review them before submitting. You should also give yourself some wiggle room for unexpected delays or impediments to your workflow. Still, don’t forget to take regular breaks to avoid burnout. By the June 21 solar eclipse, your focus will shift to all things health and wellness. Ditch fads and anything you can’t integrate into your lifestyle for the long haul. Adopt what’s sustainable, like upping your weekly veggie count and taking small steps to promote longevity. Pisces fish symbol on purple and blue starry background


Mars (action) is still in your sign through month’s end, and its interactions are likely bringing a lot to the surface. You may feel extra emotional right now, or pulled in opposite directions: inspired/threatened, on edge/hopeful. Instead of making hasty conclusions (e.g., “I’m right, they’re wrong”), it’ll better serve you to listen and empathize. If need be, emotionally retreat. In sum, don’t let threats (real or perceived) kill your vibe. Continue to ride the energy from Mars; with the right plan and mindset, you can work towards even your loftiest goals with aplomb. Meanwhile, re-evaluate your own processes and recognize where there’s room for improvement. Lastly, with Mars conjunct Neptune (the subconscious + your ruler) from June 12 through 15, tap into your sixth sense. Find clues in the everyday, decode your dreams, and notice what the universe is trying to tell you. Aries ram symbol on purple and blue starry background


Are your foundations are a bit unstable? Do you feel unheard, misunderstood, or maybe even neglected? As difficult as it can be for typically strong-willed, hot-to-trot Rams, cool your jets. Evaluate your communication tactics and how they may not be as gracious as others would prefer. After all, kindness and generosity benefit everyone; hard-headedness, not so much. If you’re not in tune with your gentler side, Mars remaining in Pisces may feel uncomfortable. Still, use its conjunction with Neptune from June 12 through 15 for soulful home upgrades, or at least a better WFH setup. However, when your ruling planet enters your sign on June 27—to remain through January 2021 (a lengthy timespan not witnessed since 1988, and uninterrupted in nearly a century)—you’ll be unstoppable. You’ll feel energized and empowered to chart your own territory, gaining impressive wins along the way. Taurus bull symbol on purple and blue starry background


In the beginning of June, allow yourself to experiment in your dating life. Still, save major moves—making things official, breaking up, etc.—until Venus (your ruler) retrograde ends on June 24. The June 5 lunar eclipse encourages you to tap into out-of-the-ordinary conversations and experiences. Attend a virtual men’s/women’s circle, go on an esoteric research bender, or anything else to escape from the mundane. Meanwhile, you may start the month pensive about your self-worth and contribution to/participation in work, relationships, and the world at large. Don’t beat yourself up over insecurities or long-held challenges. Instead, perceive any new learnings as necessary growing pains you can leverage into small wins. Incorporate these insights into your daily doings, taking one step at a time and being kind to yourself. Physically, get out any kinks of stagnant energy and find a welcome mind-body release with self-massage tools.
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