I’ve long been on a quest for clear, matte, beautiful skin. Paired with the fact that I’m turning 30 in late July 2019—and now have to contend with gravity, wrinkles, and fine lines—you could say that with greater age, comes greater (skincare) responsibilities.
Always on the lookout for the best and latest treatments, my ears perked up when I first heard about microinfusion facials. Microinfusions are said to combat oily skin, produce a plumping effect, and give an overall glow to your complexion.
Ever curious and intrigued by this triple-threat treatment, I had to try it out. I headed over to FACILE dermatology + boutique in West Hollywood for a consultation and microinfusion with Gabriella Gerbi, FNP, who broke down the deets on this buzzing skincare trend.
Personally, I’m fine with needles and have a high threshold for pain, so I’m probably not the best source to weigh in on this point. However, I could feel the heat rush to my my face with each pass, and my eyes certainly welled up.
Surprisingly, she also stamped my lips, as well as beneath my eyes. Gabriella noted that I could expect a subtly plumper pout, plus a reduction in fine lines under my eyes.
The actual treatment took no more than 10 to 15 minutes. I left FACILE with pinkish skin (akin to a mild sunburn, which faded later that evening) and high hopes.
What is microinfusion?
A microinfusion treatment uses a stamping device with hairlike needles that puncture the skin to deposit a special formula of powerhouse ingredients. The cocktail includes botulinum toxin (aka Botox), fillers, and antioxidants. While Botox and fillers are traditionally injected more deeply into the skin’s surface, microinfusions deliver these ingredients only at a superficial level. Since the effects are less pronounced, microinfusions can be a good entry point for anyone new to or considering injectables. FACILE’s co-founder and resident dermatologist, Dr. Nancy Samolitis, tested out different formulations before finding the perfect blend that offers maximum benefits. For botulinum toxin, FACILE opted to use Dysport over Botox since it has a better spread. (Aside from relaxing the skin and smoothing wrinkles, botulinum toxin is effective in treating oily skin.) Next, they chose Restylane Silk for filler since it expands more than others for an overall plumping effect. The final star ingredient is glutathione, a potent antioxidant, which creates brightness.Who’s the ideal candidate for a microinfusion treatment?
“Microinfusion is great for anyone who wants a little pick-me-up for their skin,” Gabriella shares. “It’ll help you achieve a brighter complexion and let your makeup sit better. It’s also perfect in anticipation for a special occasion. We have a lot of celeb patients who come in for microinfusion before a big event.” She then notes that it takes about a week for the results to fully set in, so plan your treatment accordingly.How long do the results last?
Gabriella says that everybody gets a different outcome, but that the average treatment lasts for six weeks. However, you can get a microinfusion monthly or quarterly to keep the glow, well, glowing. “It makes sense that people will come in every three months or so because botulinum toxin only lasts about that long,” she begins. “However, fillers can linger for a bit longer. It also depends on how often you’re working out, what your metabolism is like, and how quickly your skin eats up the product.” I halted upon hearing the last bit. I pretty much exclusively practice hot yoga and have developed a costly infrared sauna habit, so I asked if sweating has a major bearing on microinfusion results. To my dismay, the answer is affirmative. “Heat, metabolism, and circulation all factor into how long the microinfusion benefits will last,” Gabriella reports. Noooo! But I’ll try my best not to sweat it, both physically and mentally.My microinfusion experience
Aside from informing me about microinfusion and how it works, Gabriella asked what my skincare concerns were. I mentioned that skin clarity (read: zapping oil, lightening hyperpigmentation, and banishing breakouts) was my primary focus. An anti-aging lift was the second, while bright, glowing skin was a tertiary nice-to-have. She left the room to whip up the best blend for my goals, and came back with stamper in hand. I was surprised to see that it was simple and petite, especially since I’d grown used to more complicated machinery in my quest for beautiful skin.Before + After
[before_after id=1] I noticed that my lips were a bit more plump right off the bat. However, I waited a week before assessing my overall microinfusion results. While my skin isn’t completely matte, I do see less hyperpigmentation, lightened dark circles, and massive improvements in skin clarity. Furthermore, my complexion is significantly less crepe-y, and I can notice more volume in my cheeks. Above all, I’m happy to say that my skin now has a next-level glow that I’ve never achieved before.Final Thoughts
Just as Gabriella mentioned, I’d recommend microinfusion for anyone seeking subtle improvements and serious radiance. It was the perfect treatment in anticipation of the big 3-0, and I’ll confidently put my best face forward when it’s time to celebrate. In the words of Post Malone, it’ll be “a moment when I show up, got ’em sayin’, wow.” Local to LA? Book a treatment at FACILE or follow them on Instagram.More like this