In the spirit of daylight savings time ending, I invite you to fall back, get cozy, and join me on this month’s astrohacking journey with your November 2020 wellness horoscopes.
With Mercury and Mars stationing direct (on November 3 and 13, respectively), we should be able to breathe a bit easier as Scorpio season progresses. Consider this something to be grateful for by the time Thanksgiving rolls around! And if you still happen to feel stuck or discouraged, remember to always look up—to the planets, that is.
As usual, read your sun and rising signs to better understand how to make this month a good one. You got this!
November 2020 Wellness Horoscopes

Not only does Mercury go direct on November 3, but your Mars (action + your ruler) ends its own 9-week-long retrograde on November 13. The meaning: All of your stealth operations can begin to see the light of day. If you’re working on a long-term goal, know that it’s likely to see its pinnacle by mid-January 2021. Think of exactly what you’d like to accomplish by then, and work backwards to create a foolproof plan for success. You’ll be in a particularly good spot to supercharge progress from November 6 forward, so long as you’re ultra specific with your objectives and go through your agenda with a fine-toothed comb. Remember: With Mars still in Aries through December, you’re celestially set to conquer anything and everything you set your mind to. At the same time, however, work on your ability to connect. State your needs and any pain points—at work, in love—more clearly.TAURUS (APRIL 20-MAY 20)
Ride off the energy of the October 31 full blue moon to recognize and celebrate your individuality. Once you tap into your special talents, you can start to make major developments to upgrade daily life. In particular, Jupiter and Pluto conjunct in fellow earth sign Capricorn on November 6 is the perfect time for personal breakthroughs. Or, at the very least, take heed of these insights by mid-month, when Mars retrograde’s emphasis on Bulls’ self-reflection comes to a close. Later, near the November 30 lunar eclipse, you may face a surprise when it comes to your finances. Best case: It could be a windfall. Worst case: It could be an unsavory hit to your bank account. Go over money matters before then to boost your chances of getting good gains. On a positive note, the month ends with plenty of heat in your love life. Enjoy the bountiful benefits of the big O!GEMINI (MAY 21-JUNE 20)
Luckily, your innate adaptability will serve you well in November—Mercury and Mars retrogrades, be damned. You know better than to entertain false and outlandish theories, so weed out any noise. In case you need a respite to keep your cool, consider taking at least a brief social media detox and keep your news check-ins brief. Similarly, don’t be afraid to take a slower approach at work if you’re waiting for other pieces to fall into place. Finally, brace yourself for potent energies around the November 30 lunar eclipse in your sign. Some people from your past (circa 2011/2012) may come out of the woodwork. Otherwise, scenarios involving your mother, motherhood, or nurturing may come to the fore. Above all, protect your emotional energy and prize wellness from the inside out. A worthy astrohack is to clean up your routine, whether that’s eating more whole foods and/or transitioning to clean skincare.CANCER (JUNE 21-JULY 22)
Mars retrograde still influences the work area in your chart until November 13. While it seems that things are stalled or sluggish, know that seems is the operative word here. You may see dramatic progress as soon as Mars retro ends, or closer to the solar eclipse in mid-December. If you can hold out a bit longer, even greater chances of professional victories abound by late January. If you’re jonesing to solidify work wins sooner, circle November 12 through 17—though tread lightly. You’ll need to embark on a campaign to get green lights across the board, all the while not stepping on anyone’s toes. All said, keep your head low(-ish) while still keeping your chin up. Office politics aside, don’t lose sight of your worth. Take pride in what you’ve accomplished since the spring and show yourself some love!LEO (JULY 23-AUGUST 22)
They say that Leos are the natural-born leaders of the zodiac, and Scorp season is a shining case in point. In spite of Mercury and Mars retrogrades, you’ve risen to the occasion not only to be quick on your feet and command the (Zoom) room, but also to come into your own as a visionary of sorts. Even better, your ascendance isn’t fueled by the stereotypical Leonine ego, but by the drive for personal growth and to fully embody your authenticity. Now that’s really something to be proud of. Mazel tov! November 6 through 19 is the perfect time to supercharge this boss-mode-meets-high-road trend. Keep in mind that any wins aren’t solely yours—recognize the part in which your (past, present, and future) family factors into your success. Work aside, the November 30 lunar eclipse encourages you to sever incompatible social ties.VIRGO (AUGUST 23-SEPTEMBER 22)
Have you grown more comfortable with shaking things up yet? As we’ve discussed over the past few months, the planets have been nudging you to get out of your comfort zone in favor of prizing rapid transformation and radical honesty. Newness—in terms of attitudes, skills, learnings, etc.—is the name of the end-of-2020 Virgo game. Don’t be afraid to speak up and disturb the peace (à la fellow Virgo Ludacris), so long as you stay true to yourself. Remember: The greater the risk, the greater the reward. Next, come mid-month, find a creative outlet for self-expression. Then, as the month ends, refine your long-term goals to ensure that you’re on the right track as you continually come into your own. Is your job still in line with your evolving values? Are any of your relationships in flux—and if so, are they worth your energy? Only you have the answer.LIBRA (SEPTEMBER 23-OCTOBER 22)
If you’ve been feeling bogged down for a while—as though the practicalities of daily life get in the way of your greater ideas and aspirations—know that things will lighten up and air out soon enough. First, Mercury (communication) goes direct in your sign on November 3, which should open up new opportunities (and expose pertinent intel) through the first half of the month. Then, hold tight for December’s winter solstice, which ushers in a buoyant era that’ll particularly benefit you. In light of these developments, stay focused and don’t overextend yourself this month. Chasing deadlines and/or other people’s tails will only derail you from peace and placidity. Ultimately, convey a neutral, balanced demeanor. Now’s the best time for you to relax, recharge, and give yourself some space. Avoid making any major commitments until you sufficiently rest and reset.SCORPIO (OCTOBER 23-NOVEMBER 21)
Happy birthday season! As you celebrate turning another year older, you’ll likely consider where you are now versus where you want to be. First, if you didn’t start to update your health and wellness routine last month, consider it a worthy to-do. Figure out the right foods uniquely for you, aim for at least a baseline of physical activity, etc. Be good to your body, then get your mind right. Set your intentions for the year ahead by the November 15 new moon in your sign, yet hold your intentions and desires close. Share with others only if need be. However, when it comes to shared projects and other partnerships, allow yourself to speak more freely—come what may. If necessary, rework the foundations on which these relationships are built to release stale energy and breathe new life into your endeavors.SAGITTARIUS (NOVEMBER 22-DECEMBER 21)
The October 31 full blue moon is nudging you to focus on your relationship with your body. Be mindful of any wear and tear, and listen to what it’s trying to communicate to you. Consider stretching more often or adding foam rolling to your wellness routine to work out any kinks. Similarly, prize better nutrition habits and ask yourself if certain supplements can help address your biggest concerns. Next, anticipate long-awaited lucrative developments, which should roll in around November 12 with 2020’s third Jupiter-Pluto conjunction—a signature of surefire success. (Remember, Jupiter is also your ruling planet, which additionally governs luck.) While you may not receive a windfall, at the very least, you’ll have sharper financial acumen that can augment your net worth and self-worth alike. Lastly, outline your greatest goals by Sag season and brace yourself for the start of a prosperous new era next month.CAPRICORN (DECEMBER 22-JANUARY 19)
Staying far away from aggressors and stressors is key for Caps this November. First, strategically retreat from intense people or scenarios; nothing good will come from engaging with them. Then circle November 12 through 17. Surprises or turning points abound, so clear your schedule, keep tabs on developments, and be ready to act accordingly. All the while, make sure nothing gets lost in translation. Next, if you’ve been neglecting self-care in favor of chasing success, be sure to prioritize your health this month. In particular, the November 30 lunar eclipse will urge you to conquer wellness wins, whether that’s taking more vitamin C, reducing stress through exercise, or experimenting with cold therapy and breathwork à la Wim Hof. Last but not least, make time for friends who never fail to lift your spirits.AQUARIUS (JANUARY 20-FEBRUARY 18)
For the lot of the past three years, you’ve been forced to grow up and ground down with the practicalities of everyday life. As an air sign, you typically prefer more flexibility and room to breathe, so to speak—and luckily, your time to air out is nigh. Luckily, the December solstice will usher in a new era that’ll make you feel like you’re floating on cloud nine. However, you may have to weather some storms before then, specifically around mid-month. Meditate on the lessons you’ve learned over the past year or so to come out victorious. Further, start to shed things from your past—stale patterns, hangups, triggering mementos—in favor of physical and mental minimalism. In sum, learn from and make peace with whatever may threaten your qi. Additionally, while your work life is looking healthy, you can benefit from a personal brand revamp (think a new LinkedIn pic, portfolio update, etc.) around the November 15 new moon.PISCES (FEBRUARY 19-MARCH 20)
Since June, Mars (action + aggression) in your money sector squaring Saturn (discipline) has likely instigated financial roadblocks. Whether that manifested as a surplus of expenses or feeling as though you’re not earning your worth, simply put, it probably stunk. However, rest assured that you’re thisclose to being in the clear from this financial fracas. Take note of any clarity you’ve gained from these struggles, as you’ve likely grown more than you recognize. Plus, know that at the very least, you’re emerging stronger and wiser. Next, should new opportunities present themselves around mid-month, vocalize your interest and ambition with gusto. If you want to supercharge progress, now’s not the time to be demure or appear disinterested. Swap out any wallflower ways to inch closer to where you’d like to be.More like this