Self-Care & Fitness with Health Coach Melissa Wood

Meet Melissa Wood. After struggling with anxiety and cystic acne for years, she turned her health around with a balanced diet and fitness routine. Now, she’s helping others to do the same as a certified health coach and yoga and Pilates instructor. We caught up with Melissa to hear her wellness tips as a fitness expert, entrepreneur, and loving mama. Melissa Wood - Health Coach, Yoga & Pilates Instructor - The Wellnest by HUM Nutrition

What does your morning routine look like?

Benjamin is typically my alarm clock, especially now that I’m pregnant. I usually sleep 10+ hours a night! We get up together and have our breakfast. We both start with fruit and then avocado toast. He and I are alone in the morning until I drop him off at school, or on non-school days when his nanny comes at nine. As soon as she arrives, I meditate first thing for 20 minutes. Then I read my lesson of the day in A Course in Miracles. After that, I’ll do a 20 to 30 minute workout (at least 3 or 4 days a week a week now). Then I shower, my assistant Dylan comes over, and we head into the office for the day.

Melissa Wood and Son - The Wellnest by HUM Nutrition

Name three items you have stocked in your refrigerator at all times.

  1. Sauerkraut: I’m obsessed with anything fermented right now while I’m pregnant because it’s great for digestion.
  2. Baby spinach: It’s my go-to in smoothies.
  3. Raspberries: I eat them everyday for antioxidants, skin benefits, and good gut health.

What’s your favorite self-care ritual?

My lymphatic drainage massage once a week.

What’s one piece of advice you give to all of your clients?

I have them share their life with me from the moment they wake up to the second they go to bed so they can hear themselves and understand what they spend their time doing. Then I go in and help them make healthier lifestyle transitions to guide them to where they want to be.

Melissa Wood Pilates - The Wellnest by HUM Nutrition

What’s the biggest misconception about fitness?

Oh wow. Where do I begin?! First, that high-intensity training, cardio, and heavy weight lifting are a must to get the body you desire. Also that you need to be dripping in sweat to get a good workout. This whole “no pain, no gain” mentality that you have to kill yourself in the gym to get the body of your dreams is the complete opposite to what I believe. My approach and method to fitness is when you’re easy on your body, using slow controlled movements from yoga and Pilates-style sequences, you’ll achieve long, lean lines throughout your entire body.

Lastly, what does beauty from within mean to you?

Being confident with who you are and being kind to every person that you encounter (even the haters) because there’s nothing more beautiful than kindness.

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BodyFitnesshealth coachMelissa WoodPilatespregnancyRoutinesself careyoga

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