The 6 Best Supplements You Need for Fall to Support Immunity, Hydrate Skin, and Improve Sleep
The transition between seasons always offers a good time to reevaluate your routine, whether it’s changing your workouts, switching it up for more seasonal produce, or choosing a new thing to tackle from your bucket list. It’s also an important time to change up your supplement routine.
Your body’s needs will naturally change throughout the course of the year, and supportive herbs and supplements can ease the seasonal transitions so you feel your best year-round. Some of the top health and beauty concerns moving into fall include:
- Dry skin
- Weakened immune system
- Sleep issues
- Allergies
- Mood
These are the best supplements for fall to help ease seasonal transitions.
To really conquer the season with gusto, here are the four supplements for fall I recommend most:
Omega-3 Fatty Acids
As the weather cools down, you may notice drier skin. This happens most frequently because there’s less moisture in the air. We also spend more time with the heat on, which can further contribute to dry skin. Next, we’re not sweating as much, so our skin produces less oil. Finally, if you tend to eat more fish in the summer, which has hydrating fatty acids for the skin, skimping on fish in the colder months can leave skin drier. Likewise, we may drink less water throughout the day because we’re not as hot as we are in the summer.
To combat dry skin, consuming healthy fats can help. A fish oil supplement full of anti-inflammatory fats can help hydrate skin from within. Look for one with the ideal ratio of the omega-3 fatty acids EPA and DHA.
If you’re vegan and can’t take fish oils, another hydrating option for healthy skin and hair is a supplement with fats derived from black currant seed oil. Opt for one that contains the omega-3 fatty acid ALA.
Vitamin C
As a kid, you may have heard that playing outside in the rain would lead to “catching a cold.” But the real reasons you’re more likely to get sick in colder months are actually quite different. Temperature and humidity play a role in virus transmission, research shows. For instance, dry, cold weather was the most favorable for transmission of the seasonal flu, research finds. Another reason things like the common cold tend to spread more in cooler months may be because we spend more time inside in close quarters.
Cold weather may also impact the body’s own immune system, making you even more susceptible to picking something up. In a study that looked at mouse cells taken from the lining of the nose and the other airways, lower temperatures changed the cells’ ability to mount an immune response against the common cold.
While vitamin C can’t directly prevent you from catching a virus, it may decrease the length and severity of a cold, shows research.
Vitamin C can also boost the innate and adaptive immune responses and help with histamine breakdown if you suffer from allergies.
Elderberry is another standout supplement to support your immune system. As we’ve previously covered, scientists believe elderberry can give you a boost by improving white blood cell activity.
Elderberry also contains anthocyanins, a type of antioxidant, which may play a role in regulating the immune response.
A safe way to consume elderberry extract is in the form of a gummy supplement.
Melatonin and B6
If you’re affected by the time change when Daylight Savings ends and feel that your sleep is thrown off, you may want to try a supplement to help get you back on track and ensure you get all the benefits of adequate sleep.
Not enough sleep affects just about everything in the body, from hormones, to digestion, to stress and immunity. Sleep is when our bodies repair damaged cells and detoxify, so it’s crucial to get enough.
Taken 20 minutes before bedtime, melatonin can promote more restful sleep, while B6 helps normalize circadian rhythm.
Vitamin D
During the fall and winter months, you’re likely getting less time outdoors in the sunlight, which means your body produces less vitamin D. Vitamin D is made in the skin when it’s exposed to UVB light. Because vitamin D supports your immune system, low levels of vitamin D have been associated with recently-onset upper respiratory tract infections.
Vitamin D is also an important nutrient for mood. Researchers observed that people who experience seasonal affective disorder (SAD), a mood disorder with symptoms such as fatigue and depression, had lower levels of vitamin D.
Adding a vitamin D supplement can be a way to support your overall health, especially during months you’re not getting as much sun.