THE WELLNEST • Food • Healthy Eating
Sip These Types of Tea to Ease Everyday Ailments
By Gaby Vaca-Flores, RDN, CLE •
June 17, 2019
Gaby Vaca-Flores, RDN, CLE, outlines five popular types of tea and their health benefits.
Herbal teas offer a range of therapeutic properties. But with so many types of tea out there, it can be challenging to boil down the list to find the right one for your concern. (See what we did there?)
Follow this guide on tea benefits the next time you want to prepare a home remedy.
5 Types of Tea and Their Benefits to Ease Everyday Ailments
1. Peppermint Tea
Helps with:
- indigestion
- nausea
- headaches
- seasonal allergies
Hot Tip:
Indulging in a meal that may cause an upset stomach? Complement it with a warm cup of peppermint tea to ease indigestion.2. Oolong Tea
Helps with:
- brain fog
- skin irritation related to eczema and dermatitis
Hot Tip:
Drinking a cup of oolong tea may help you stay sharp before an important exam.3. Green Tea
Helps with:
- skin irritation
- wound healing
HOT Tip:
Going on a hike or camping trip? Pack a few teabags of your favorite unsweetened green tea. If an insect bites you, soak the teabags in water and apply the compresses to the irritated area.4. Lemon Balm Tea
Helps with:
- cold sores
- insomnia
Hot Tip:
Brew lemon balm tea to help prevent stress-related ailments.5. Ginger Tea
Helps with:
- the common cold
- PMS-related symptoms
Hot Tip:
Keep ginger tea on hand when the first signs of the common cold and PMS pains kick in. Remember, you can use different types of tea to naturally ease everyday ailments. However, you should always check with your doctor before starting a new treatment plan, modifying your medication routine, or if symptoms worsen.More like this