What a Nutritionist Buys at Whole Foods for $50

What a Nutritionist Buys at Whole Foods for $50
How to navigate a health-food store on a budget! We challenged HUM’s Director of Education, Sarah Greenfield, RD, to tackle Whole Foods on a budget. Here’s her haul for a week of groceries with only fifty dollars to spend.

Strategy & Tips For Budget Grocery Shopping

“Whenever I go to the supermarket, I start in the produce section and try and load up on as many vegetables as I can,” Sarah tells us. She also considers her macronutrients, looking for a healthy balance of fiber, fats, complex carbohydrates, and protein. Then, it’s good to think about the versatility of your ingredients. Consider whether you can use each item a few different ways to keep your meals interesting throughout the week. Many of Sarah’s items can be roasted, used in a stir fry, eaten fresh as a snack, or included in a smoothie. “A lot of times you think you’re going to spend all your money at a higher-end supermarket. But keep it simple, shop the perimeter of the store, and try not to get too many pre-packaged items. That’s the best way to get the healthiest meals while also staying on a budget.”

Sarah’s Whole Foods Haul

Broccoli, $4.68 Mixed Greens, $4.99 Mini Bell Peppers, $4.99 Carrots, $1.99 Yellow Zucchini, $3.41 Strawberries, $3.50 Bananas, $1.77 Avocado, $2.50 Almonds, $5.59 Sweet Potato, $2.47 Brown Rice, $2.99 Unsweetened Almond Milk, $2.99 Pasture-Raised Eggs, $3.79 Organic Ground Turkey, $5.39 Total Spent: $50.35
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