Can an Air Purifier Fight Allergies? Molekule Review

What Is The Molekule Air Purifier?
Molekule is an air purifier that I heard about from a co-worker when I was sharing my allergy stories with her. It was invented by a man whose son suffered from really bad asthma, and they wanted to be able to purify air on a molecular level. When I went on Molekule’s website, I was impressed by all of the awards they’ve won. They also have stellar reviews that speak to its efficacy and unique technology. It’s not like other air purifiers that exist on the market. While high-efficiency particulate air (HEPA) filters are gaining popularity, Molekule actually takes things a step further. Their Photo Electrochemical Oxidation (PECO) technology uses free radicals to oxidize and destroy pollutants up to 1,000 times smaller than standard HEPA filters. They deftly destroy pollutants including dander, mold, and bacteria, which are essentially the main culprits that provoke my allergies at home.Why I’m Trying It
I’ve had allergies since I was a kid. When I was eight, I went to a greenhouse for a school trip and my face blew up like a tomato. I couldn’t breathe and was sent home, so that’s when I realized I have pretty aggressive allergies. My allergy symptoms include itchy skin, sneezing, trouble breathing… just the works. Ever since then, I’ve taken Benadryl and Zyrtec daily thinking that would be my solution. But now that I’m turning 30, I’d like a more holistic approach to treating my allergies.First Impressions
Molekule was nice enough to send over an air purifier to test out. It was a little heavier than I anticipated, so my co-hab helped bring it into my apartment. But upon unboxing it, I discovered that she’s beautiful and sleek. Setting it up was also really easy; I just plugged it in and there’s an app that pairs with it. I’m going to use it in both in the living room and my bedroom since I wake up feeling very congested and get itchy in bed. I want to see how it works in both places for the next 30 days, and I’m excited to report back with my findings.The Cons…
The one thing I’d change about the product is the fact that it’s pretty heavy. I’ll say with full transparency that I don’t lift weights and I’m not the strongest girl in town.
With that being said, I’m lucky to have my boyfriend cart it around from room to room. But even though it’s a bit bulky, the design is super sleek.
Is It Loud?
It’s not loud, so I don’t even feel like the silent setting is necessary for the Molekule. The auto setting is perfectly fine; I don’t hear it at all when I’m in the living room, even when the TV isn’t on. The boost setting, however, is a bit loud.
Final Molekule Review
It’s been five weeks since I’ve been using the Molekule, and I can’t live without it. I’ve noticed a huge difference in the itchiness of my skin. My skin itchiness is almost completely gone, and I don’t feel the urge to scratch as much. However, I still have a dog to whom I’m allergic. While the Molekule does eliminate pet dander and dust, shedding is still an issue I’ll have to grapple with.
My favorite thing about the device is that I actually feel a physical difference. It’s been a really bad allergy season, and the past month has been especially really rough. In addition to my allergy medication and inhaler, I’ve been taking a number of HUM supplements like Air Patrol and OMG! Omega the Great as per our nutritionist’s recommendation. With the support of the Molekule, I’ve been feeling a lot less of the physical symptoms when it comes to my allergy woes.