Perfect Healthy Plate Portions for Every Diet

Because food pyramids and calorie counting are so 1993. Make healthy eating simple on any plan with these perfect plate proportions for general, vegan, paleo, and keto diets.

General Healthy Plate Portions - The Wellnest by HUM Nutrition

General Healthy Plate Portions

If you’re not on a specific diet, these portions will help you get the most of your meal while keeping blood sugar stable. Cover half of your plate in veggies, one quarter with protein, one eighth with complex carbs, and the last eighth with a healthy fat. In this example we used spinach, broccoli and tomatoes for the veggies. Chicken was added as a lean protein. Finally, we used whole-wheat pasta for a complex carbohydrate and pesto for the healthy fat. HUM Pairing: OMG! Omega The Great is a great source of anti-inflammatory fats, which can be beneficial while on a regular diet. Vegan Healthy Plate Portions - The Wellnest by HUM Nutrition

Healthy Plate Portions For A Vegan Diet

The biggest mistake I see with the vegan diet is eating too many carbohydrates, processed vegan foods, and nuts. Why can an excess of nuts be a problem? Nuts have enzyme inhibitors that can decrease our body’s ability to break down foods, causing an increase in gas and bloating. Instead, I recommend filling half of your plate with vegetables, a quarter with plant proteins, and another quarter with complex carbs. Focus on plant-based sources of protein instead of processed soy products. Next, cut down your carbs to just an eighth of the plate if your plant protein already contains a high level of carbohydrates. HUM Pairing: Flatter Me is a great digestive enzyme that supports vegans in breaking down the increased fiber and carbohydrate intake of their diet. Paleo Healthy Plate Portions - The Wellnest by HUM Nutrition

Healthy Plate Portions For A Paleo Diet

With a paleo diet, you want to be careful that you’re not eating too much protein. It’s important to get enough complex carbohydrates. After all, it’s not a low carb diet as much as a more balanced approach to eating. For this diet, your ideal plate portions are half veggies, one quarter protein, one eighth healthy fat, and one eighth complex carbs. These portions will help you feel more satiated throughout the day and prevent cravings and overeating come mealtime. HUM Pairing: Gut Instinct is a great addition to the paleo diet because you’re already eating more vegetables and prebiotics, which help the probiotics thrive in supporting your microbiome. Keto Healthy Plate Portions - The Wellnest by HUM Nutrition

Healthy Plate Portions For A Keto Diet

With a keto diet, the idea is to switch your metabolism from burning glucose to burning fat for energy. This is called “becoming fat adapted” and provides a more consistent source of energy. People report more mental clarity and endurance while following a ketogenic diet. The most common mistake I see with a keto diet is not getting enough vegetables. Because keto is a carb-restricted diet, it’s easy to forgo vegetables because of their carbohydrate content. However, it’s critical for your body to get the nutrients and fiber it needs from vegetables. With that in mind, I recommend filling half of your plate with healthy plant-based fats like these avocados and macadamia nuts, one quarter of your plate with protein, and the last quarter with non-starchy vegetables like kale, spinach, asparagus, and zucchini. HUM Pairing: Ripped Rooster contains 7-keto, which helps the body more efficiently use fat for fuel, which is the overall goal of the keto diet.
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FoodHealthy EatingDietketonutritionPaleoPortionsVegan

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