Superfood Q&A with Plant-Based Guru Rawvana

Superfood Q&A with Plant-Based Guru Rawvana
Rawvana is a raw foods, plant-based lifestyle blogger who inspires others to live a healthier lives. As a big believer of beauty from within, HUM teamed up with the all-star influencer to find out what happens when Rawvana meets Raw Beauty, our green superfood powder for energy, radiant skin, and boosted metabolism!

Superfood Q&A with Rawvana

It was a busy day shooting our #Rawsome video with Rawvana. But luckily, we got a chance to sit down and get the scoop on what it means to live a super plant-based, raw-foods lifestyle! Rawvana - Raw Vegan Blogger - The Wellnest by HUM Nutrition

How did your interest in health and nutrition begin?

I always grew up eating healthily and was never a junk food eater. When I first discovered and tried a raw vegan diet, I became more energetic, less anxious, and way more confident. Plus, the food is delicious!

What are the benefits of a plant-based lifestyle?

The greatest benefits I’ve gained from living a raw, vegan lifestyle are abundant energy, clear mindedness, clear skin, and better health and vitality!

What’s your go-to Raw Beauty superfood recipe?

Raw Beauty superfood powder, two bananas, two cups of coconut milk, and dates. What I enjoy most about Raw Beauty is knowing I’m drinking something that’ll benefit me both internally and externally. And of course, it tastes delicious. I really like the mix of mint and chocolate!
More like this
FoodHealthy EatingBloggersPlant basedRaw foodsRawvanaVegan

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