Jessie Quinn

Jessie Quinn

Jessie is a wellness, beauty, fashion, and lifestyle writer with words published in NYLON Magazine, Byrdie, InStyle, The Zoe Report, The Sunday Edit, and more. In addition to writing, Jessie is a Reiki Master, meditation teacher, and crafting connoisseur.
Celery Juice for the Vagina - The Wellnest by HUM Nutrition

Vagina Hack: How Celery Juice impacts The Female Reproductive System (psst…Ditch the Juicer and take it Gummy style)

We’re exploring the benefits of celery juice beyond its known claims, and talking all about how it impacts the female reproductive system.  Learn how this green elixir may positively impact your vagina and support overall well-being. It’s no secret that celery juice has superfood qualities, with nutrition experts and celebrities alike touting it for its potential hydration, […]
Health benefits of strawberry leaves

I Tried Eating Strawberry Leaves for Their Incredible Health Benefits and Here’s What They Taste Like

We explore the taste and health benefits of strawberry leaves. Discover the unique flavor profile and uncover the potential nutritional properties they offer. Summer equals berry season, and while we are out here adding strawberries to literally everything, we are actually overlooking one of the best things about this season’s fruit: their leaves. Okay, maybe strawberry leaves […]

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