3 Signs Your Body Needs More Collagen

Collagen is the most abundant protein in our bodies. It gives structure and strength to our skin. As we age, our bodies begin to produce less collagen. Here are three signs your body needs more collagen and how to slow collagen loss.

3 Signs Your Body Needs More Collagen

Thin Hair - Signs You Need More Collagen

Thin or Flat Hair

Collagen surrounds the space around your hair follicles. Here, micro-vessels deliver necessary nutrients from your body to your hair that keep it nourished and healthy. This process lengthens hair and creates the appearance of a shiny, fuller mane. When this protein breaks down, this delivery process slows. Consequently, dull or thinning hair results. The protein also helps to fight off free radicals from sun rays and pollution. These can damage your hair’s texture, growth, and thickness. Wrinkles - Signs You Need More Collagen


Collagen is the protein in the body that gives skin its strength and structure. As a result, wrinkles and fine lines are a natural byproduct of depleted levels. Restoring production helps to firm the skin and maintain elasticity, preventing and reducing the look of wrinkles and fine lines. While production naturally declines with age, UV radiation and the formation of free radicals also causes it to break down at a higher rate. Cellulite - Signs You Need More Collagen


Cellulite occurs when fatty tissues beneath the skin push upward against connective tissue, causing skin at the surface to pucker. Collagen is critical in making up the connective tissue in your skin. Hence it’s ultimately responsible for cell renewal, skin elasticity, suppleness, and firmness of the skin. Weakened levels cause the skin to become thinner, less firm, and more easily damaged. As a result, the appearance of cellulite worsens. Check out Collagen Love to learn more about the science of collagen, how to increase skin’s natural collagen, and how it can help protect your skin, hair, and body. It’s all-natural and packed with three types of collagen (I, II, III). Furthermore, it’s packed with antioxidants to protect and repair your existing collagen including chondroitin sulfate, hyaluronic acid, red wine extract, and grape seed extract.
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AgingSkincellulitecollagenhairproteinskin carewrinkles

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